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IHT Academic final examination question solution January-2020.
All year, all group, all subject’s final examination question solution for IHT Students.

Define spore. Name five spore bearing organism with disease produced by them. Jan-2020

Spore: Spores are resistant stages of bacteria produced when bacteria are exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions and are highly resistant to heat, desiccation(dehydration),chemicals etc.  … Read More »Define spore. Name five spore bearing organism with disease produced by them. Jan-2020

Define micro-organism. Compare between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

Micro-organism: They are small organisms and are either microscopic or submicroscopic creatures. Differences between prokaryotic (bacteria) & eukaryotic (human) cell: Traits Prokaryotic Eukaryotic 1. Size… Read More »Define micro-organism. Compare between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

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