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The Skull :

The skull is divided into two parts :   

1) The Cranium part 

2) The facial part

The cranium part :  

The bones of the cranium are :

  • 1) Frontal bone –1
  • 2) Parietal bone – 2
  • 3) Temporal bone – 2
  • 4) Occipital bone – 1
  • 5) Sphenoid bone – 1
  • 6) Ethmoid bone – 1

The  facial  Part :

The Skeleton of the face is formed by 13 bone.

  • 1) Zygomatic bone – 2
  • 2) Maxilla bone – 1 (Originated as – 2)
  • 3) Nasal bone – 2
  • 4) Lacrimal bone – 2
  • 5) Vomer bone – 1
  • 6) Palatine bone – 2
  • 7) Inferior conchae or  turbinated bone – 2
  • 8) Mandible -1 (Originated as – 2 )
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