The Kidney :
It is the model of the human kidney. It is part of the Urinary System. It lies on the posterior abdominal wall one on each side of the vertebral column. They extend 12 thoracic vertebrae to the 3rd lumbar vertebra. The right kidney is usually slightly lower than the left, Probably because of the considerable space occupied by the liver.
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs, about 11 c.m long, 6 c.m wide, 3 c.m thick and weigh 150 gm in adult.
It has two pole :
- 1) Upper pole
- 2) Lower pale
It has two Surface :
- 1) Anterior surface
- 2) Posterior surface
It has two Border :
- 1) Medial border
- 2) Lateral border

And it has :
- 1) Renal capsule
- 2) Cortex
- 3) Medulla
- 4) Minor calyx
- 5) Major calyx
- 6) Renal pelvis
- 7) Renal artery
- 8) Renal vein
The basic functional unit of the kidneys is “Nephron”. There are about 10,00000 nephrons in each kidney.
To learn more : Anatomy of the Kidneys
More item of this section
The Stomach