The Heart :
This is the model of the human heart with major blood vessels. It lies in the thoracic cage between both lungs and is called mediastinum. It is roughly cone-shaped and hollow fibrous muscular organ.
It has Base and Apex.
Base :
Base consists of the right atrium and left atrium. It is direction backwards upwards to the right.
Apex :
Apex consists of the left ventricle. It is direction forwards downwards to the left.
It has four borders :
- 1) Upper border
- 2) Lower border
- 3) Right border
- 4) Left border
It has four surfaces :
- 1) Sternocostal surface
- 2) Diaphragmatic surface
- 3) Right surface
- 4) Left surface
It has four chambers :
- 1) Right atrium
- 2) Right ventricle
- 3) Left atrium
- 4) Left ventricle
It has four Valves or opening :
- 1) Tricuspid or Right atrio ventricular opening
- 2) Bicuspid or Left atrio ventricular opening
- 3) Pulmonary opening
- 4) Aortic opening

It has three septum :
- 1) Inter atrium septum
- 2) Inter ventricular septum
- 3) Atrio ventricular septum
It has three Layers :
- 1) Pericardium
- 2) Myocardium
- 3) Endocardium
It has two Appends :
- 1) Right auricle
- 2) Left auricle
And It has _
- Superior Venacava
- Inferior Venacava
- Pulmonary trunk
- Right pulmonary artery
- Left pulmonary artery
- Right pulmonary vein
- Left pulmonary vein
- Ascending aorta
- Arch of aorta
- Descending aorta

To learn more : Visible body
Next : The Stomach