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Define immunological tests. Name different antigen-antibody reactions with example.

Immunological tests:

The tests used to detect antigen or antibody in serum or in other specimens is called immunological test.

Serological tests:

 The tests used to detect antigen or antibody in serum is called immunological test.

Antigen-antibody reactions with examples of each type:

Name of Ag-Ab reaction                                       Example

1. Agglutination test
Slide agglutinationSerotyping of bacteriaBlood grouping
Tube agglutination
Widal test for enteric feverWeil-Felix test for rickettsial infection
Latex agglutinationHbsAg detection ASO titre (antistreptolysin-O titre) estimation
Particle agglutinationDetection of anti HIV antigen
HaemagglutinationTPHA for diagnosis of syphilis 

2.precipitation test
Tube precipitation testEstimation of antibody
Gel diffusionSingle radial diffusion: for estimation of antibody.Double gel diffusion: For identification of antigen.
CIE (counter immuno- electrophoresis)Detection of cryptococcus antigen in CSF. Detection of carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA).
3. Complement fixation test (CFT)CFT for kala-azar, CFT for filarial parasite, CFT for gonococcus

4. Others (immunoassay using labeled reagents)
Immuno-fluorescence (IF)- Detection of T & B cells,Detection of treponemal antibody in syphilitic patients
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – . HIV antibody,Hepatitis-B panel (HbsAg, HbeAg, Anti-HBs,Anti-HBc)
Radio-immuno assay (RIA) – Detection of HbsAg.
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