The Carpal bones :
The carpus is made up of 8 carpal bones, which are arranged in
Two rows :
- 1) Proximal row
- 2) Distal row
Proximal row has four bones :
- 1) The Scaphoid
- 2) Lunate
- 3) Triquetral
- 4) Pisiform
Distal row has four bones :
- 1) The Trapezium
- 2) Trapezoid
- 3) capitate
- 4) Hamate

The Metacarpal bones
These are 5 (Five) miniature long bones, which are numbered from lateral to the medial side.
Here are the names of the five metacarpal bones :
- Metacarpal I – Thumb
- Metacarpal II – Index finger
- Metacarpal III – Middle finger
- Metacarpal IV – Ring finger
- Metacarpal V – Little finger
The metacarpal bones are numbered from 1 to 5, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. They are long bones that articulate proximally with the carpal bones of the wrist and distally with the proximal phalanges of the fingers. The metacarpal bones are responsible for providing support and movement to the fingers.

The Phalanges :
There are 14 phalanges in each hand, 3 for each finger and 2 for the thumb. Each phalanx has a base, a shaft and a head.

To learn more : Visible Body
Next : The Heart